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Chemical Transfer

Industry Served: Paint & Coating

A major U.S. paint manufacturer uses 3” air operated double diaphragm pumps (AODD) in their tank farm to transfer ingredients to their paint blending process area. One of the main ingredients is titanium dioxide (TiO2) which is both high in specific gravity and very abrasive. The 3” AODD pumps sit at the bottom of holding tanks that are 25 feet tall. Pump inlet pressure is high and this combined with the characteristics of the TiO2 acts to shorten normal pump diaphragm life. When an unexpected diaphragm failure occurs, several thousand gallons of TiO2 can be lost because when a pump diaphragm fails, the TiO2 is pulled through the diaphragm on the pump’s suction stroke and then expelled out the air exhaust.


Blacoh was contacted by the paint company’s local pump supplier who recommended the installation of a Blacoh SPILLSTOP at each AODD pump in the tank farm. The SPILLSTOP, which is pneumatically operated, is a spill containment devise that attaches to an AODD pump at its air exhaust. When a pump diaphragm fails, liquid is expelled out the pump’s air exhaust. The expelled liquid is contained in the SPILLSTOP unit, which then automatically shuts the pump off and sends a pneumatic pump failure signal. Since the SPILLSTOP is pneumatically operated, it is safe around hazardous and/or inflammable liquid.


After the SPILLSTOP units were installed, an estimated 3,000 gallons of TiO2 was saved when a pump diaphragm failure occurred. Not only was a product spill prevented, the investment in the SPILLSTOP was more than returned in saved cleanup costs alone.